IC-DISC Export Incentive

Uncover previously unknown tax incentives. Gain permanent financial results.

The interest-charge domestic international sales corporation (IC-DISC) is one of the last remaining opportunities providing tax incentives for exporters.

U.S. C-corporations have an opportunity to defer income taxes on qualified profits in export sales, and U.S. flow-through entities may realize permanent tax savings by converting ordinary income used to pay commissions into lower-taxed qualified dividend income.

Tax specialists experienced in analyzing and reviewing the requirements for establishing and operating an IC-DISC help in the formation, maintenance, and maximization of the benefits.

International tax services overview
We bring the tools and resources you need to navigate the most complex international tax, audit and consulting issues
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Allinial Global
Wipfli is a member of Allinial Global, an accounting firm association of legally independent firms.
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