30 cybersecurity tips in 30 days 30 cybersecurity tips in 30 days

30 Tips in 30 Days eBook

Download these Cybersecurity Tips Today

It’s not a question of if. It’s a question of when.

Cybersecurity has never been more important than it is today because we are exposing more of our world to cybercriminals as technology becomes a more integral part of our personal and business lives.

The numbers are staggering:
  • 60% of small businesses fail within 6 months of a data breach
  • The average cost of a data breach is $3.7 million
  • It takes nearly 280 days to identify and contain a breach
  • A computer is hacked every 9 seconds
  • Cybercrime will soon cost us all $6 trillion by next year

Cybercriminals have your business in their crosshairs.

While breaches at major corporations capture the big headlines, it’s small businesses that are a sweet spot for cybercriminals.

Some small business owners assume they’re not a big enough fish for criminals to target them. It’s that very belief that makes them the most vulnerable.  Weak defenses, poor employee training and no formal recovery plan are why 58% of all data breaches involve small businesses.

At Wipfli, we are dedicated to creating a safer digital world, one where we can all communicate, collaborate and connect freely and without fear.

To help that, we marked National Cybersecurity Awareness Month in October by releasing 30 Tips in 30 Days, which we have compiled in this eBook for you.

30 Tips in 30 Days is designed to help consumers and business owners stay vigilant and take proactive, tangible steps toward becoming more secure.

We hope these tips will help you be safer all year round.

The more alert we are today, the more secure we will be tomorrow.

Complete the form to download an e-book with a breakdown of all of our tips.