Market Studies - Senior Living

Making strategic decisions based on sound market data.

Are you a developer, builder or landowner who is implementing a strategic plan, going through a master facilities planning process and/or considering a new senior living (independent living, assisted living, memory care or nursing home) project? If so, don’t overlook how vital an accurate market study is in helping you determine your viable options. The study will provide the information organizational leaders, decision makers, and financial institutions will require before they will approve plans for any new development.

Our studies provide detailed information to assist you in making strategic decisions based on sound data, including:

  • Your development and growth opportunities in the market area
  • Your current market position
  • Market trends and projections specific to your market area
  • The optimal market strategy(s)
  • Securing financing for a project

Market snapshot studies are often a first step for interested parties who are new to the specific industry or are unclear about pursuing a development in a specific market. These studies include preliminary demographics and baseline competitive market information. However, these studies provide you with the basic data and information you will need to determine the next steps in the development—and whether it is worth pursuing. These studies are not typically acceptable by lending institutions.

Full market studies include full demographics and the full competitive market assessments. These studies provide detailed demographic and competitive information that you and lenders need to know before a project is full pursued. Full studies could comply with the WHEDA (Wisconsin Housing and Economic Development Authority) guidelines, if requested. Wipfli is a qualified market analyst for WHEDA.

Let's get started. Contact us today and let us know how we can begin to study the market for you.

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Episcopal Homes
Bob Stupka, Board Treasurer
"It is refreshing to interact with a health care consulting team that spends so much time listening to the needs of the Board. Their upfront consultation, ideas to address concerns, and the honesty of their team has been greatly appreciative. I always gain new insight when they join our Board meetings."